Page 52 - Esmae 07.12.22
P. 52
Single-focused Describe Helpful Unhelpful
▪When working on
I keep focused on a one task - staying When in danger.
focused until it is
task until it is
finished When doing tasks
▪Blocking out sounds that need one to be
I block out outside and movement alert to things
distractions around.
▪Getting totally When doing a task
I keep all my absorbed in a task which needs one to
focus on lots of
thoughts on the ▪Keeping thoughts different information
task – I stop my on the task and e.g. a teacher, police
making sure the
mind wandering to officer or playing a
mind does not
other ideas. wander to other team game.
thoughts and ideas.
Quick-switching Describe Helpful Unhelpful
I am alert to
everything around ▪Noticing lots of
things going on When safe and
me. around them needing to focus on
one single thing.
I take in lots of ▪Staying alert,
information spotting dangers When completing a
quickly. and keeping safe project or task.
I notice smells, ▪Switching attention When a task needs
quickly from one total focus.
movements and thing to another
sounds around me.