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P. 198
Planning Tough Interviews 199
The specific coverage of each phase can be summarized as in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Phases of a tough interview
Phase Objectives and coverage Possible emotion and
APPROACH of the deceitful
PHASE A Tempting the suspect to explain Fear and anxiety
Getting the subject to Creating the right impression Anger
attend and the opening Building empathy FIGHT
Stating the purpose FLEE
PHASE B Getting a detailed explanation APPEASE
Probing and testing
Establishing whether the person is telling
the truth or not with the interviewer
acting as a human lie detector
PHASE C Pinning the subject down to detail Increased anxiety
Raising the pavement Increasing anxiety to the point where Depression
PUTTING THE MONKEYS the subject loses confidence in his ability QUESTIONS HIS ABILITY TO
ON THE LIAR’S BACK to cope and arrives at the pivotal point COPE
The Pivotal Point
At which the suspect balances the relief given by confession and bringing the interview to an end
with the potential consequences of a confession
PHASE E Helping the subject handle the critical Unbearable anxiety
Turning and empathy decision whether or not to tell the truth NEGOTIATION
GETTING THE MONKEYS Taking an empathetic approach ACCEPTANCE
OFF THE LIAR’S BACK Enabling the suspect to rationalize his
PHASE F Working with the subject as a nurturing Relief
Getting to the deep parent to get to the deep truth ACCEPTANCE
truth and arriving at a Leaving the door open for later contact SUBMISSION
soft landing
PHASE G Transcribing notes and preparing an Relief
Review and follow-up accurate record of the interview ACCEPTANCE
Reviewing your own performance, so Anger
that you can improve in the future ATTACK
Identifying other actions
Keeping in regular contact with the
More detail on the phases
In practice the phases run seamlessly together, but they provide the road map from the start
to the end of a tough interview and enable you to backtrack to a safe point if an interview is
blown off course.