Page 237 - MJC submissions
P. 237
9 Ashbourne House
Lewes Road
East Grinstead
RH19 3TB
Telephone 01342 312050
10th December 2018
Dear Sirs,
APPLICATION DM/18/1548 and DM16/2845
This letter puts in the record my comments on your recent disclosures on the MSDC planning
portal. I expect, as usual, you will ignore them; but so be it. Your conduct adds further
evidence against a preposterous development and repeated breaches of process. It focuses my
right of redress on a Judicial Review. Misfeasance in Public Office or alternative litigation
once a final decision has been published. I have lost all confidence in you, planning processes
and in your council.
I, and the Ashbourne Park Owners’ Association, have repeatedly urged you consider the
scaling and design of the proposed integrated development of the Wealden House sites; to
preserve and enhance the character and amenity of Ashurst Wood and the possibility of a
section 106 order to provide a separate entrance onto the A22 for residents of Ashbourne
The recent disclosures reveal – albeit belatedly - that you have decided:
a. to continue working on the quiet with the applicant – through meetings, informal
contact and whatever else - to ambush dissenters with a scheme that “officers can
b. to permit the “applicant” – whoever it is - to delay submitting its revised proposals
until 18 January 2018 and;
c. to support the application with a further draft report by Mr Frank Taylor, a consultant
town planner, to take account of supposedly supportive July 2018 revisions in the
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and ;
d. not intent to review the integrated development of the Wealden House EDF
(WH:EDF) and Wealden House Life Improvement Centre (WSH:LIC) sites for viability,
sustainability and deliverability
I have analysed thousands of pages of planning documents but, as a layman, struggle to find
precision and certainty. It seems that for every policy, process, rule or guideline at national,
county, district and neighbourhood in one direction level, an alternative in opposition can be Page1
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx