Page 240 - MJC submissions
P. 240
• not displayed on the MSDC planning Portal
• nor initially referred to in the current application
• App no per con
AWVC objected on 25 April 2018 withdrawn 27 April 2018
On 27 April 2018, Mr King responded to your email agreeing that “there was a requirement
to produce a Statement of Community Involvement” and continued:
“In my view this planning application should not have been registered as a valid application
and I have advised the applicants of this. I have advised that the planning application is
invalid at present because it does not contain such a statement. I have also said that I did not
agree with their argument that the community engagement had already been done as part of
the Neighbourhood Plan process because in my view, that is a separate process relating to
planning policy rather than a planning application.
I did suggest that as a minimum they should engage with the parish council. They have
advised that they will consider our position and get back to us.”
It is not clear who Mr King might blame for registering the invalid application: if not himself
as team leader. It is construed as evidence of his intention to bludgeon the application
and AHL was compelled to hold formal consultations with AWVC and residents on 29 May
2018 and xxxxxx. In the meantime, the application had been rewritten in the names (redated
on xxxxx ) of AHL and ccccc claiming that a consultation had taken place in 2016 and was
resubmitted to MSDC on xxxxx.
On xxxx ASWVC opposed the development. This is the current position and it is interesting
that Mr Taylor’s updated report refers to AHL as the sole applicant. So was GCP put into play
to ----
Thus, from the above it is not clear, whether GCP is involved as a developer or not.
GCP owner and was not a party to toe application- name added only to link the pre-app.
Comment in order of Taylor
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx