Page 242 - MJC submissions
P. 242
• Not offered by the owner as available for development;
• Was not subject to any Sustainability Appraisal (only 0.08 hectares of the northern
park was appraised and this was rejected as unsuitable for development even as a
rural exception site for five to six homes)
• Not SHLAA reports
• No allocated for 5-year land supply purposes Sustain-Allocate-5 year plan…
• And was listed in AWNP The “Report on the Assessment of Potential Housing Sites”,
dated December 2014 states: “There is little information about proposals for site 14.
However, it is part of the overall Wealden House site and access to the neighbouring
site 13 is over this site. Therefore, it should be included in the plan”.
Answers to these questions are critical and I have repeatedly urged you to examine the
integrated plan. You can be in no doubt that an integrated development of both sites is in
prospect yet have repeatedly refused to consider it.
It is inconceivable that Jamshid M Keynejad, AHL’s director, controlling shareholder -based in
the USA - would permit engagement in this or any other scheme without the most detailed
viability, risk and financial assessments. I have worked with, and have the highest regard for,
the group with which Mr Keynejad is associated. It is one of the smartest and most successful
companies in the USA (See xxxxx).
While it is true that I object to the size scale and design of the integrated development, I also
believe in fairness and transparency and I am concerned that people I admire will be
financially damaged if the current application is approved and starts construction and then
the interdependent scheme for the WH:LIC site is rejected the reasons explained in paragraph
xx and the entire project falters with a partly completed construction on the WH:EDF site.
This would be a disaster for everyone and I urge MSDC to review the viability and
deliverability of the integrated development
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx