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25. ContingenciesAs of December 31, 2023, the Group has outstanding corporate guarantees of CHF 6.2 million (2022: CHF 6.8 million) in favor of joint ventures. The Group considers that it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle these guarantees. Therefore, no amount has been recognized in the statement of financial position.26. Retirement Benefit Assets and ObligationsDefined Benefit Plans in SwitzerlandAccording to the Swiss pension law (BVG), pension plans are to be managed by independent, legally autonomous units. The defined benefit plan covers all employees in Switzerland and exceeds the minimum benefit requirements under Swiss pension law. Contributions to the plan are paid by the employees and the employer. For all employees, contributions are calculated as a percentage of contributory salary and are deducted monthly. In addition, the company pays risk contributions, which are used to finance benefits paid out in the event of death and disability, as well as to finance retirement benefits and survivors%u2019 bridging pensions. The benefits of the plan participants include retirement benefits and disability, death and survivor pensions. The plan provides a lifetime pension to members at the retirement age of 65. At retirement, a portion or the full amount can be taken as a lump sum payment. The amount of pension payable is calculated based on the conversion rate applied on the accumulated savings balance of the individual plan participant%u2019s pension account at the retirement date. The accumulated savings balance on the pension account is based on the employee and employer contributions that have been made to the pension account of each individual plan participant, as well as the interest accrued on the accumulated balance. The interest rate accrued is defined annually by the Pension Foundation Board. The investment strategy of the plan is in line with Swiss pension law, including the rules and regulations relating to diversification of plan assets. The board of trustees strives for a medium- and long-term consistency and sustainability between assets and liabilities. According to Swiss pension law, a temporary limited underfunding is permitted. However, the Pension Foundation Board is required to take the necessary measures to ensure that full funding can be expected to be restored within a period up to a maximum of ten years. Under Swiss pension law, if a pension plan became significantly underfunded on a Swiss pension law basis, additional employer and employee contributions could be required. In these situations, the risk is shared between employer and employees, and the employer is not legally obliged to cover more than 50% of the additional contributions required. The Swiss pension plan has a technical funding ratio under Swiss pension law of 111.0% (provisional) as of December 31, 2023 (2022: 106.0%), and thus it is not expected that such additional contributions will be required in the next year.Defined Benefit Plans in Other CountriesDefined Benefit Plan in JapanThe defined benefit plan in Japan is managed by an independent, legally autonomous unit according to Japanese law. The defined benefit pension plan covers about one third of the employees in Japan and will not enroll any more employees. Contributions to the plan are paid by the employer only. Contributions are calculated as percentage of contributory salary. The benefits of the plan participants include retirement benefits, death and survivor pensions. The plan provides a ten-year pension to members at the retirement age of 62. At retirement, the employee can choose either a lump sum payment or a ten-year pension (pension option is available only for employees with more than 15 years of service). The accumulated savings balance on the pension account is based on the employer contributions that have been made to the pension account of each individual plan participant, as well as the interest accrued on the accumulated balance. A temporary limited underfunding is permitted. Once every 3 years, there is an assessment of funding according to Japanese regulations. If the pension plan is un,94 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements