Page 36 - ELG1901 Jan-Feb 463
P. 36

COMMENT                .

                                        Point                                   too high. So, they took us in one by one

                                        of View                                 and told us our new rates, based on various
                                                                                parameters. Divide and conquer. They did at
                                                                                least have criteria.
                                                                                 Teaching English in Ireland can be very
                                        Des                                     enjoyable. Classes are small (max. fifteen)
                                        Ryan                                    and the students are adults from all round the
                                                                                world. It’s a great bunch to be teaching and
                                                                                the craic is great.
                                                                                 The visa students keep the schools alive
          ‘We’ve run out of                                                     in the Autumn, Winter and Spring. In the
                                                                                summer, schools swell to capacity as buckets
                                                                                of Europeans stall over for a few weeks at a
                                                                                time, like your neighbours popping over for a
                                                                                cup of tea and a chat.
          students: on your                                                     summer is coming when you start seeing
                                                                                 Teenagers come en masse. You know the
                                                                                caravans of continental teens marauding
                                                                                down Dame Street.
                    bike, mate.’                                                little hectic in the summer. Teachers are given
                                                                                 The atmosphere in school is pleasant, if a
                                                                                huge trust in how they combine obligatory
                                                                                topics with their own material, a system which
                                                                                largely brings out the best in them.
                                                                                 Outside the summer, schools are mostly full
            The Irish EFL industry could be a win-win for                       in the morning while things vary after lunch.
             everyone if the income were divided more                           Some schools provide extra classes, such as
                         evenly, argues Des Ryan                                business English or exam preparation. You
                                                                                might have three hours of class in the morning,
                                                                                a lunch break and three more in the afternoon.
        A                                   my advantage, getting work when I needed it   non-EU citizens are not allowed to study after
                                                                                 Evenings do tend to be quiet, because
                                              After that, I managed to use the industry to
                friend and colleague of mine has
                                                                                six. A decade ago, students would often work
                always described English teaching
                                            and a school needed me.
                                                                                all day, contravening their work restrictions,
                as ‘the best shit job’. The working
                                              In 2017, I was working in a new language
                conditions are brutal, but the actual
        work is often really interesting and fun.  school inside a university. There were four   and then maybe stall into class from six to
                                                                                nine pm.
                                            teachers and I was the last to join, so I was
          Unfortunately, the work is not regular   told that I would be the first against the wall   Nowadays, evening classes seem to involve
        enough. As a result, the industry tends to   if there weren’t enough new students.   a combo of EU workers in the city and au
        attract people who are trying to carve out                              pairs doing four hours of English spread over
        a career doing something else: musicians,                               two nights a week.
        writers, actors and the like.            During your lunch               The bulk of teachers will teach for three
          Not everyone teaches English as a side                                or four contact hours in the morning. After
        hustle. Many just like teaching English and   break, you have to        lunch, there are three ways that your day can
        do it as their career.                 hop on your bike and             pan out: go home, teach scraps, or double up.
          I first started teaching English twelve years                          Teachers doing scraps might do two or
        ago, and it soon became a regular nixer to   peddle your way to         three afternoons per week, so that they
        help fund my PhD research. Teaching English                             end up with 20-25 paid hours per week.
        is now my sole job, and I want to continue in   another school…         Unfortunately, these afternoon classes are
        this industry, talking language with people,                            infinitely more precarious and teachers can
        and writing about it.                 Sure enough, there weren’t enough   seldom rely on them.
          But this huge industry does not look after   students, so I actually volunteered to take a   Teachers doubling up will have a 30-hour
        its employees, does not allow them to live   wee break, seeing as my partner was almost   week. This is doable for a few weeks or
        profitable lives. Many students fork out their   nine months pregnant and my PhD revisions   months but you get burnt out sooner rather
        life savings to come to Ireland, learn English   needed to be completed.  than later. Or, you are expecting to double up
        and then forge a better career back home.   I never heard back. No summer work.   but half your hours are suddenly taken off you.
        They cannot believe that teachers get so   No work in the new academic year. Like the   You might be working across two schools.
        little, given how much they pay.    guy on the news in Grafton college, I was an   During your lunch break, you have to hop
          And then there is the precariousness.  unemployed new father. I didn’t even get my   on your bike and peddle your way to another
          Over the years, I’ve worked in a dozen   two weeks of paternity leave.  school, grabbing lunch if you are lucky.
        or more establishments, and my jobs have   I managed to get a job that involved setting   The other option is what makes English
        finished in many different ways. The most   up and running a new franchise summer   teaching so attractive. You work the
        common theme is: we’ve run out of students.   school, but I was only paid for the six weeks of   mornings, earn your three or four hundred
        On your bike, mate.                 actual class. I don’t even want to go into how   nicker, and then you’re free to do what you
          The first job I lost was in a private school   stupid that was, but I was freshly unemployed   want. That’s what draws in the artists and the
        in 2011. I was to be employed for the summer   and living in rural Ireland, so I was taking   musicians, and the semi-retired. In my current
        and was told I’d be working till September.   what I could get.         situation, I mind the bambino in the morning
        I had no contract or clue. Then one day in   In 2016, I was working inside a different   and teach in the afternoons.
        August I got chucked out on my ear because   university structure. Our pay was advertised,   It should be noted that I am not macro-
        they didn’t have enough students.   but the powers-that-be decided that was   complaining about my current situation. I am

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