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                             BOOK OF THE MONTH

         ETPEDIA™ EXAMS            If so, this spiral-bound   activities. Especially   but does give a source
         500 IDEAS FOR PREPARING   resource book will be of   useful is the list       for locating such
                                   interest. The fi fty units   of similarities and    information, along with
         LOUIS ROGERS AND JOHN     are organised into        differences between       detailed summaries of
                                   eight areas, including
                                                             paper-based and
                                                                                       ten major ELT exams.
         HUGHES WITH VANESSA REIS   preparation for writing,   computer-based exams    The Appendix is packed
         ESTEVES PAVILION PUBLISHING   speaking, reading and   and the guidance on     with photocopiable
         AND MEDIA LTD             listening exams. The      constructing your own     teaching material,
         ISBN 978-1-911028-80-2    format of the ETpedia™    questions. The book       including a basic code
                                   series is well-established,   does not supply in-depth   for giving feedback on
         Are you preparing         with each unit providing   information on areas like   writing. Practical and
         students for an EFL exam?  ten ideas, tips or       ‘validity’ and ‘reliability’   accessible.

           reviews in brief

            Intermediate  Third Edition  Bill Mascull          Content and language in policy and practice  Ernesto Macaro
            CUP  ISBN: 978-1-31662997-0                        OUP  ISBN: 978-0-19-440396-2
            The latest edition of this business vocabulary book contains 66,   EMI (English Medium Instruction) is defi ned as the use of
            two-page units, arranged into areas including fi nance, marketing   English to teach academic subjects in countries where the fi rst
            and business skills. The left-hand page introduces new vocabulary,   language is not English. This fast-growing area in secondary
            the right-hand page provides practice exercises. This well-  and tertiary education is an elusive concept. The ten chapters
            illustrated,  176-page book contains impressive input on trends   of this 334-page book in the Oxford Applied Linguistics series
            language, power-distance as a dimension of culture, and ethics.   successfully explore EMI from various perspectives, including
            The excellent ‘Note’ boxes provide useful information on word   language policies, the cost-benefi t ratio, and teacher and
            choice and collocations, drawing on the Cambridge International   student viewpoints. This extensively-researched book is
            Corpus. The ‘Over to you’ questions are more suitable for in-class   insightful on ‘translanguaging’ (using both English and L1) and
            discussion than for self-study. One example of a business celebrity   dealing with technical vocabulary. The book includes a useful
            has unfortunately dated. The eBook version includes built-in audio   lecture-planning template. It is likely to become the standard
            clips. Recommended.                                work on EMI.

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