Page 37 - ELG1901 Jan-Feb 463
P. 37


                                                           OF THE




                                                           A policy on bullying and harassment
                                                            is not enough to protect employers
                                                             or their staff, warns Varinder Unlu
         James Joyce taught English in Pula
         and Trieste between 1904 and 1907
                                                        With all the recent high-profile   organisations simply do not have.
                                                        events and cases of harassment   The investigation must also be
        well aware that my situation is one that many   and bullying, both still remain   impartial, which means no one
        parents would love, allowing them to juggle     significant issues. No one is   involved should be a friend of
        childrearing with enjoyable, part-time work.    immune. Yet with so much help   either party.
          The problem with English teaching is that it   available online to help both   The victim should be kept
        is extremely difficult to strike the right balance   employers and employees, why   informed at every stage, and
        of hours. Either you work too much or too       are we still struggling?   the whole process should be
        little. If you get lots of work, it might not last.   The employers’ main   dealt with in a reasonable time.
        You cannot plan. Your pay doesn’t rise with     responsibility is to have a clear,   No victim should have to wait
        experience and there is no regulation over pay.   robust and well communicated   several months for the whole
        Nor are there any requirements for teachers     policy on bullying and    process to conclude.
        to undergo professional development courses,    harassment. Policies alone,   Everyone in the company
        you just have to work it out as you go along.   however, are not enough. When   has a responsibility to support
          Better-qualified teachers don’t get paid      an employee reports any issues,   an inclusive, tolerant working
        more. You don’t get paid for preparing class or   they need to be taken seriously   environment. They should all
        corrections, as we are paid by the class hour.   and dealt with promptly and   play their part in making the
        You are expected to arrive before class (again,   discreetly.             organisation’s policy a reality,
        unpaid) and there are obligatory “breaks”        Employers must ensure the   and be prepared to challenge
        which are spent doing photocopying.             lessons are learned and a more   inappropriate behaviour and
          Despite all of this, students are learning    positive and inclusive culture   take action if needed After
        to speak English. Some come out speaking        is developed where individuals   all, Employers and individuals
        excellent English, most of them become          are confident enough to bring   can be ordered to pay
        functional. The teaching methods are very       complaints without fear of   unlimited compensation where
        progressive and other kinds of education        ridicule or reprisal.     discrimination-based harassment
        could learn a lot from this industry.            How are we dealing with it in   has occurred.
          The life of a teacher is peripatetic and lacks   ELT?                     Where can we go for help?
        progression. It is not viable as a career. People   Not very well, unfortunately.   ELTtoo was set up in January
        stick it out for a few years and then when      Every school has a policy hidden   2018 as a platform where people
        life gets serious, they get a real job. English-  deep within its staff handbook,   in the industry can report
        teaching is a hashtag shit job.                 with codes of conduct that people   any incidents of bullying and
          As for me, I could leave this industry and    must adhere to. But in reality,   harassment anonymously and
        do something I don’t want to do as much. But    bullying and harassment is often   receive advice and support on
        there is no reason why I should, nor should     not dealt with appropriately, and   how to deal with what they are
        others. It is simply a matter of making sure    the victim is left feeling helpless,   experiencing.
        that the cash is divided fairly so that everyone   unsupported and sometimes
        wins. This does not have to be an Us versus     completely ignored.       Contact:
        Them situation.                                  The main issue in this industry
                                                        seems to be lack of training and   contact/
        ■ Dr Des Ryan has a PhD on the formation of English   awareness among the people
        spellings and is trying to develop a full-time career   who are supposed to be helping.    ■ Varinder Unlu is a senior EFL
        teaching and writing about the English language. He is   When an incident is reported,   manager, co-ordinator of the Iatefl
        interested in spelling, pronunciation, and makeyuppie   it needs to be thoroughly   and Inclusive Practices and SEN
        words. For more, see where he writes   investigated. This takes time   Special Interest Group and founder of
        about Spelling, Life, the Bantersmash and Everythink.  and resources which most   #elttoo
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