Page 39 - ELG1901 Jan-Feb 463
P. 39


        link the written and spoken words as, inevitably, their speaking and
        listening vocabulary range will far outstrip their reading ability. For
        example, a student may never have seen the written word ‘money’, but   Seven
        if they can decode the sound they will probably recognise the word.
          This means focusing on decoding the sounds without necessarily
        learning the associated meaning, otherwise this part of the lesson   spelling
        will become unmanageably long and the vocabulary load to difficult.
        The decoding tasks should have a quick, game-like quality and occur
        alongside the more familiar drilling of similar and contrasting sounds,   secrets
        e.g. ‘ash, cash, crash’ and the endlessly amusing ‘ship vs sheep’ (when
                                           I taught refugees in
                  When I taught            Calais, we regularly       Seven secrets to teaching
                                           joked about ‘going to
           refugees in Calais, we          the UK on a sheep!’).      spelling to ‘real beginners’
           regularly joked about           Decoding can be done
                                           in pairs or groups and        Tell them about the English system of spelling.
           ‘going to the UK on a           comprise levels of         1  Their own system may be very different. For
                     sheep!                difficulty for different   example, you could tell them that English has 44
                                           skill levels.              sounds but only 26 letters.
          It is easy to underestimate how difficult it is for a complete script
        beginner to decode even a three-letter word. This apparently simple   Teaching some metalanguage may save a great
        skill needs focussed practice. Students who are literate in L1 may   2  deal of ongoing explanation, even with zero
        transliterate sounds and words into their own script as it helps them to   beginners. For example it may be useful to refer to
        remember the sounds and practice at home.                     ‘consonants’ and ‘vowels’.  Choose only those terms
          Teachers may feel especially anxious teaching an absolute beginner   that you can use regularly.
        who has no literacy in any language. In my experience, if this is a
        problem it is not specifically due to the lack of writing experience.   Find out which sounds are the most troublesome.
        Starting with some practice on penmanship and making curves   3  For example, Arabic speakers find vowel sounds
        and shapes, these students can potentially progress as quickly as L1   difficult, as they are very different in English.
        literate students. It really depends on why they are not literate in L1.
        Students who have not had the opportunity to learn literacy may be   You may not want to use the phonetic alphabet –
        very eager to get the chance and progress well. But just as with any   4   yet another script.  But you can just choose those
        class, some students may be less motivated or have some learning   symbols that clarify key troublesome sounds. I find
        difficulties or health issues which are not immediately apparent.   the schwa very useful – it miraculously transforms
        Students with no literacy skills may be unfamiliar with the general   pronunciation and students can hear the difference
                                                                      themselves immediately.
        processes of learning and studying and need basic study skills (e.g.
        keeping a note book, doing homework, attending class regularly).
        But the biggest issue for these students is that they cannot make any   Allow students to transliterate English sounds
        notes or transliterations in their own script and it is very difficult to   5  and words into their own script. Transliteration
                                                                      is commonly used when learning Arabic and I’ve
        remember everything orally.                                   tried learning Arabic both ways. When I look back at
          The absolute beginners’ learning schedule will need copious assorted   my notes, I can easily follow my colloquial Egyptian
        short tasks, especially when learning the script, as there is little scope   Arabic, which is written three ways: in Arabic script,
        for role-play or discussion. The game-like quality of decoding tasks   English transliteration and English translation. My
        definitely helps to lighten the load and shorten the gap between   Modern Standard Arabic teacher was much stricter
        reading and writing, and listening and speaking.              and my notes are only in Arabic – now I can hardly
                                                                      understand a word.
        WSOTW.WEEBLY.COM                                              6  shapes. Grouping letters by shape may be more
                                                                         Spend time on learning and comparing the letter

                                                                      useful than by sound. And remember that writing
                                                                      by hand rather than typing helps students learn the

                                                                         Have students regularly practice decoding word
                                                                      7  sounds from the written script. Include unfamiliar
                                                                      words, without teaching the meaning of all the new
                                                                      words. At first students may push to discuss all the
                                                                      new words,  but keep up the pace and they will get
                                                                      used to the method (they can always look them up
                                                                      later if they really insist!).

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