Page 38 - ELG1901 Jan-Feb 463
P. 38

RESOURCES                .

        Decoding EnglishEnglish

                                                               alphabet itself from scratch, and TEFL training courses generally do
       GILL RAGSDALE                                           students who are ‘real beginners’. In teaching refugees over the last 3
                                                               not prepare teachers to do so.
                                                                 There are many situations, though, where a teacher might have

                                                               years I have often come across just this situation.
                                                                 At first glance, you might think that you could teach English
                                                               letters, reading and writing just as you would to native speakers’
                                                               children for the first time, perhaps using the same materials – and
                                                               I often see this suggested. There are, however, two major problems
                                                               with this.
                                                                 Firstly, when English-speaking children learn the letters of the
                                                               alphabet they generally learn them in sound clusters and associate
                                                               each letter with one or more trigger words, such as ‘A is for apple’.
                                                               They don’t need to be able to spell ‘apple’ – just recognise the sound
        An Afghan refugee transliterating English into Farsi   of the word, and they don’t need to be taught what ‘apple’ means.
                                                                 This is not a good way to teach adult real beginners learning English
        What do you do when students don’t                     because they do not have anything like the vocabulary of the average
                                                               pre-schooler’s L1 and they do not already recognise the key sounds.
        know the alphabet? Gill Ragsdale                       My daughter’s favourite alphabet book had such essential items as ‘K

        explains how code breaking can help                    is for Kangaroo’ and ‘G is for Giant’. Which brings me to the second
                                                                 The content of children’s learning materials focusses on vocabulary
       M             who can already read and write the Latin alphabet,   adults. You can use these kinds of materials (and I have) as long as
                     ost native-speaker EFL teachers have adult students
                                                               that is rather less relevant to the needs and interests of teenagers or
                     either because it is part of their L1 or they have
                                                               you adapt and edit them to fit your students’ situation. The main
                     been taught it at school.
                                                               reason materials in general can be useful at this level is as a source of
                       Most ‘beginner’ classes in private language schools
                                                                 A key strategy for absolute beginners learning the Latin script
        are ‘false beginners’: students who have learned some English, know   pictures to refer to.
        the alphabet and have smattering of vocabulary, but generally need to   for the first time, as outlined by Peter Viney, an experienced EFL
        start from the beginning and at least revise the basics.   teacher and materials writer, is the regular use of decoding tasks.
          Native-speaker teachers do not generally expect to teach the Latin   Students learn to decode the sounds of words so that they can

         Fit in with the script
         Fit in with the script
         Before you begin to teach zero beginners who do not know Roman script, it can help to have some idea of the writing
         system they use. It may be pictographic, like Chinese, or have a different character for each syllable, like Burmese and the
         Devanagatri script used in Nepal. Or, it may use an alphabet to build words, like Arabic and Hebrew.

              WIKIMEDIA                        WIKIMEDIA                                                 PIXABAY

                                                Burmese syllabary
                                             some time focussing on one-syllable
                                             minimal pairs like bid, bad, bed, and show   Arabic Alphabet
                                             what happens when the vowel changes,   also always written. In Arabic script, short
               Chinese characters            and when a ‘silent’ letter is added which   vowels are often not written at all (causing
         Some teachers find that Chinese-speakers   changes the vowel such as bid, bide, bird,   a similar but reverse difficulty for learners
         respond well to a ‘whole word’ approach   or bad, bade, bard.          of Arabic).
         to learning that begins with the overall                                 “All aspects of writing in English cause
         shape of the word preceding listening and   Users of Arabic script, including speakers   major problems for Arabic speakers, and
         speaking (so the reverse of the usual ELT   of Farsi, Urdu and Afghan languages like   they should not be expected to cope with
         practice). This mimics the way Chinese   Dari, are not only learning a new alphabet,   reading and writing at the same level
         pictograms are learned.             they have to read and write from left to   or pace as European students who are
                                             right instead of right to left and get to   at a similar level of proficiency in oral
         Teachers working with students who use   grips with English vowel sounds which are   English.” Swan M and Smith B, Learner
         a syllabary might find it useful to spend   not only very different in sound,  but are   English CUP 1987.

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