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The Power Of Giving
at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
Thank you
for supporting The Verdict in 2020!
Presenting Sponsor Supporting Sponsor
G. Marlyne
In Partnership with
at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
Your Donation, Big or Small, Can Make an Impact.
Donate to The Rex Response Fund.
These unprecedented times have called us to action. The Power of Children: Making a Difference® will
Because of the closure, the museum is projected to lose happen when our fundraising efforts are complete.
up to $14 million this year. Without new and renewed These new and extraordinary experiences are what
giving, the museum will have to significantly cut make The Children’s Museum a place that sparks
budgets while increasing ticket and membership inspiration and helps dreams to grow big.
prices. We would be forced to do this at a time when • Programs That Serve Everyone: The Children’s
our community needs us the most. Museum offers a wide variety of programs that
• The Museum Experience: The heart of the provide support, resources, and free and reduced
museum is the people who elevate the visitor admission to underserved families from the
experience making it one-of-a-kind. Without surrounding neighborhoods and across Indiana.
funds the museum experience will be
significantly impacted. Please consider donating or upgrading your
• Planning for the Future: New exhibits, including membership to support the Rex Response Fund.
Mission Jurassic and the addition of Malala’s story to
Condolences: The Family of Maxine Cohen, The Family of Roy Ginder, and The Family of Marian White | 317-334-4000 10