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The Power Of Giving
16th Annual Power of Children Awards
Six young people received The Power of Children Awards
during the first-ever virtual Power of Children Awards
ceremony, broadcast on Facebook the evening of Friday, Nov.
13 to an international audience of more than 2,500. The event
celebrates youths who help make the world a better place. Over
the past 16 years, 84 winners from 59 cities, 19 states, and 72
schools have raised over $14 million for their projects, donated
over 3 million items and services, directly benefitted 2,110,525 Katherine Adams Abhi Desai
people, and contributed 41,600 hours of their personal time. Dallas, Texas Phoenix, Arizona
Paper for Water LexGen
The event featured two keynote speakers: adviser, author, and
teacher Derrick Feldmann and independent filmmaker Ashton
Gleckman. Feldmann is a leading expert on cause engagement,
today’s social movements, and young Americans who serves
on the Board of Visitors of the Indiana University Lilly Family
School of Philanthropy. During the awards, Feldmann offered
insight into how young people can support social change.
Ashton Gleckman of Carmel, Indiana, is a 20-year-old
filmmaker and the founder of Blackbird Pictures. In 2019, Viraj Jayam Benjamin Olshin
he directed “We Shall Not Die Now”, a feature-length Roslyn Heights, New York Portland, Oregon
documentary with interviews of Holocaust survivors in the Helping Hands Long Island Babies with Books
U.S., U.K., and Poland. Gleckmann was inspired by Anne
Frank’s story during his childhood visits to The Power of
Children exhibit. He shared thoughts about how we can learn
from tragedies in our history.
Winners each received a $2,000 grant courtesy of the Kroger
Foundation to extend the reach of their extraordinary projects.
Winners could also choose to receive a scholarship to Butler
University, IUPUI, or the University of Indianapolis. The
following day, the winners also helped present the virtual Jahin Rahman Samyak Shrimali
Power of Children Symposium presented by the Lilly Family New York, New York Portland, Oregon
School of Philanthropy. Efforts in Youth Development Sanjeevani: A Novel Automated
of Bangladesh (EYDB) System for Hospital-Acquired
Infection Prevention
Established by
Deborah Joy Simon
Charitable Trust
Supported By
Program Sponsors
Deborah Joy Simon
Charitable Trust