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For Our Members

            Member Mornings
            First Saturday and Sunday of the month
            Dec. 5–6, Jan. 2–3, Feb. 6–7, March 6–7
            9–10 a.m.                                                       LET’S EXPLORE!
                                 Beat the crowds and be the first
                                    to play! On these special
                                       mornings, members have
                                        an exclusive hour in the   Member Exhibit Preview         PRESENTED BY
                                            museum. Just present   Nickelodeon’s Dora and
                                             your membership      Diego—Let’s Explore!
                                             card and a photo     Friday, Feb. 5                   SUPPORTED BY
                                             ID at the entrance
                                        gates on Level 1.         10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
                                                                  Bring your family and guests for
                                                                  members-only explorations of our newest exhibit! Just
                                                                  present your member ID card at the exhibit entrance.

                                                                  ©2020 Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved. Nickelodeon, Dora the Explorer, Go, Diego, Go! and all
                                                                  related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

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                      Create Art with Our
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                     Create Art with Our
                            Visiting Artists!
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                            Visiting Artists!
                      Join Visiting Artists Israel Solomon and David Slonim to create your own masterpieces
            during their free hands-on art workshops! The schedule of workshops is below, but changes do sometimes
                              happen, so be sure to check the museum’s Calendar before you visit!
          The Visiting Artist Program is a project of the Lechleiter Indiana Visiting Artist Fund with support provided by The White Oak Foundation,
                    Sarah and John Lechleiter. For more information about the program, visit

                             Israel Solomon: Color                              David Slonim: Story
                             Our City Workshop                                  Maker Workshop
                             In this free workshop, Israel focuses              David Michael Solomon work will
                             on the diverse people and stories                  inspire you and your imagination as he
                             of Indianapolis neighborhoods.                     shares secrets learned over 30 years as
                             Using images of our city and its                   a children’s book author and illustrator,
                             neighborhoods, families create their               painter, and art instructor. Learn
                             own art to portray the beauty and                  behind-the-scenes secrets and create
                             diversity of our community.                        a character drawing and story idea of
                                                                                your own!
           Saturday, Dec. 12                  2 and 3 p.m.
           Tuesday–Thursday, Dec. 29–31       2 and 3 p.m.    Friday–Saturday, Dec. 18–19         2 and 3 p.m.
           Saturday, Jan. 30                  2 and 3 p.m.    Friday–Saturday, Jan. 15–16         2 and 3 p.m.
           Saturday–Sunday, Feb. 27–28        2 and 3 p.m.    Friday, Feb. 26                     2 and 3 p.m.

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