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An extraordinary experience awaits!

                                            Limited capacity                    More than 100 hand sanitizing
                                            Daily tickets are capped at         stations are placed throughout
                                            25% of museum’s pre-COVID           the museum and sanitizing wipes
            Same museum you                 capacity to ensure space for all    are in all exhibit areas.
            love! New ways to keep          visitors. Advance reservations
            you safe.                       are strongly suggested, including   Social Distancing
                                            for members.                        The Carousel’s tiger is 6 feet
            The museum continues                                                long—stay ONE tiger apart to keep
            to work hard to ensure a        Masks required                      you and your family safe! Look
            safe and FUN visit for your     Face coverings that cover the       for floor stickers throughout the
            family. In collaboration        nose and mouth are required for     museum to help guide you.
            with an advisory council of     all visitors ages 2 and older and
            scientists, physicians, and     all staff and volunteers.           Exhibit Updates
                                                                                Elements of Playscape recently
            public health officials, we     Enhanced Cleaning                   reopened, but some of the
            have implemented these          In addition to frequent disinfecting  museum’s high-touch experiences
            health and safety policies      of high-touch surfaces, each        remain closed for your safety.
            and procedures.                 exhibit will close briefly during   Get the latest here!
                                            the day for additional cleaning.
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