Page 28 - Shareholders Report 2023
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              Corporate Support

                                                                                                                  HASKELL RISES TO NO. 1 IN TRAINING
                                                                                                                  MAGAZINE APEX AWARDS RANKINGS

              Human Resources

              The Human Resources (HR) team serves the         The TA team rolled out a new applicant tracking   to assist managers with communicating
              enterprise by attracting and recruiting top      system, iCIMS, which provides more reporting      productive performance feedback. A new
              talent, delivering comprehensive learning and    capabilities and fosters an easier application    tracking platform for MAP Feedback has
              development programs, offering excellent         process for candidates. The team developed and    also been added to elevate the effectiveness
              compensation and benefits packages,              delivered new training programs around recruiting   of performance conversations in 2024.
              fostering team member engagement                 activities – Diversity in Hiring Best Practices     ◆ Compliance. The HR Ops team completed a
              and guiding retention strategies.                and LinkedIn for Hiring Managers – and added      successful self-audit of Haskell’s I-9 forms which
                                                               a new military-focused page on’s
              TALENT ACQUISITION & WORKFORCE                                                                     are subject to investigation by government
              STRATEGY/UNIVERSITY RELATIONS                    Careers page. A new partnership with TazWorks     agencies. In the case of a formal audit, each
              Haskell’s Talent Acquisition (TA) and Workforce   supports the onboarding of team members on       recorded error would receive a $2,500 fine. This
              Strategy (WFS)/University Relations (UR) teams   jobsite hires within 24 hours of hire. The TA and   I-9 audit process will be ongoing to eliminate the
              remain extremely busy addressing future talent   WFS teams also worked closely with Corporate      risk of fines and protect shareholder interests.
              needs. Recruiting activities netted a record-    Marketing to create video content conveying     LEARNING, DEVELOPMENT
              breaking 561 new team members, including         Haskell’s culture to attract talent, including   & ENGAGEMENT (LD&E)
              96 new interns/co-ops, for the enterprise. The   podcasts and team member interviews.
              Summer Internship Program comprised 79           HR OPERATIONS                                   Providing an environment where team members
              students representing 40 colleges. A new year-   The HR Operations (Ops) team is responsible     learn and thrive is critical. For the 12th year in a
              round component of internship programming        for team member relations and performance       row, Haskell was named to Training magazine’s
              led to a record-breaking 140 interns/co-ops      management. This includes overseeing Haskell’s   APEX Awards list (formerly “Top 100”). The company
              for the year. With the reality of a changing     policies and procedures, immigration management   ranked No. 1 on the list of global organizations for
              workforce and the need to expand resources,      and ex-pat programming related to our team      2023, marking its fourth consecutive year in the
              the WFS team refined tools to predict growth by   members. Some key highlights include:          Top 5 and fifth year in the Top 15. Team members
              position for leaders of the new Enterprise Project                                               received over 81,000 hours of learning and job-skill
              Delivery Model, and further developed mid-          ◆ Performance Management. Coaching and       training, with LD&E delivering 410-plus instructor-
              career feeder programs to expand and diversify     managing a team member’s performance          led programs to more than 5,600 participants.
              talent resources, with a strong emphasis on        is one of a supervisor’s most essential       The Haskell Leadership Hub was launched to
              transitioning military talent and community college   responsibilities. The HR Ops team added    refine supervisor and vice president expectations
              students looking to upskill and change careers.    more case studies and delivery techniques     and includes 30-plus resources. LD&E also
                                                                 to the Supervisor Series training program

              26   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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