Page 24 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 24


                                                                    FEDERAL | MARKET
                                                                    2023 included mixed results for the Federal   “ Quality Management was
                                                THE BAY SARASOTA
                                               SARASOTA, FLORIDA    Market with four profitable projects at or    maintained to an exceptional
                                                                    near completion and two U.S. Coast Guard
                                                                    (USCG) project wins. In addition, two financial   level throughout the project
              MUNICIPAL-EDUCATION | MARKET                          losses occurred in the year, including the    by an exceptional team. …
                                                                    current Zone 2 OSS project and one on a
              The Municipal & Education Market had another          prior year’s project, USCG Honolulu.          The project was successfully
              exceptional year, exceeding 2023 sales, revenue
              and contribution goals. The team held steadfast in    Following the market’s strategic plan, it won a   managed such that completion
              following strict Go-No-Go procedures and diligent     seat in both the $4 billion National Multiple Award   was achieved approximately
              business development practices leading to an          Construction Contract (NMACC) III program
              astounding 63% win rate, which is twice the industry   and the $1 billion Naval Facilities Engineering   two and a half months
              average. The market continues to grow in geographic   Systems Command (NAVFAC) Northwest Multiple   ahead of schedule.”
              presence in the Carolinas with several large wins,    Award Construction Contract (MACC). The Fleet
              such as the Henderson County Courthouse project.      Readiness Center Hangar 101 project, completed   LISA KOUCHINSKY, PROJECT MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                  AND ENGINEERING BRANCH HEAD,
              The team also completed its second American           in 2023, was awarded a National Excellence    NAVFAC FEAD NAS JACKSONVILLE
              Leadership Academy (ALA) Lexington Charter School     in Construction Pyramid Award from ABC.
              and continues work on several new campuses            P720 Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation    Haskell was awarded two projects in the
              for three major charter school accounts (ALA,         Center is nearing construction completion,    USCG NMACC II program: one in Petaluma,
              Performance Group and Highmark). The completion       however requests for equitable adjustment     California and one in Yankeetown, Florida.
              of the ALA Lexington School and several Northeast     (REAs) and potential claims will continue for   Both projects are currently in the design phase.
              Florida projects, including the Jacksonville Jaguars   months and potentially years, if REAs convert to   Construction on Petaluma is scheduled to begin
              Sports Performance Center and Large Mammal            claims following project completion. The Final   in March and on Yankeetown in late 2024.
              Habitat, and active projects for Duval County Public   Federal Acquisition Regulation Rule requiring
              Schools and Episcopal School of Jacksonville, all     Project Labor Agreements on projects $35      selection of clients
              helped achieve $133.4 million in revenue against      million and over will potentially impact sales
              a $97.7 million goal. The market’s contribution       on full-and-open and task order solicitations.
              of $5.15 million exceeded the $5.05 million goal
              but still has room for improvement. A focus on
              minimizing fee erosion, improving self-performance
              opportunities and more design-build opportunities
              will allow the market to increase profitability.
              selection of clients

              22   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders               NAVFAC MID-ATLANTIC P-947 WELDING                      NAVFAC SOUTHEAST | FLEET READINESS
                                                                                    AND BODY REPAIR SHOP FACILITY                     CENTER SOUTHEAST HANGAR 101 REPAIRS
                                                                          MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS BASE, ALBANY, GEORGIA               NAVAL AIR STATION JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
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