Page 26 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 26


              HEALTHCARE | MARKET

              The Healthcare Market did not meet its
              sales goal because site issues caused the                                                      BAPTIST MD ANDERSON CANCER
                                                                                                             CENTER INFUSION SUITES
              withdrawal of the Orlando Health Women’s                                                       JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
              Pavilion project and the termination of
              the United Health Services Free Standing      BAPTIST MD ANDERSON CANCER
              Emergency Department (UHS FSED)               CENTER MAIN LOBBY SEATING                        “ Haskell Healthcare completed a
                                                            JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
              program. Also, several projects have moved                                                      new 100-bed hospital for Baptist
              and will become 2024 sales. The market
              exceeded its revenue goals of $41 million                          ORLANDO HEALTH NEUROSCIENCE   in Clay County. The project was
                                                                                        INSTITUTE RENDERING
              based on remaining backlog but missed                                        ORLANDO, FLORIDA   challenging given the numerous
              its contribution goal by $300,000 due to
              continued issues with the UHS account.                                                          workforce and supply chain
              Those issues were resolved in 2023.                                                             disruptions associated with the
              Healthcare successfully closed the Baptist
              Clay Tower and Fairfield Memorial Hospital                                                      COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this,
              projects. Project selections for 2024 will                                                      Haskell was able to complete the
              have higher margins and the market will
              have worked off lower-margin work at the                                                        project ahead of schedule and
              conclusion of 2023. Operational excellence                                                      on budget. The Haskell team has
              was a challenge and the team continues to
                                                            FAIRFIELD MEMORIAL
              work on improving this facet of the business   HOSPITAL ROOM                                    been responsive to our needs
              and growing talented team members             FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS                               and has always demonstrated
              with healthcare construction expertise.
                                                                                                              their trustworthiness, creativity,
              selection of clients
                                                                                                              and diligent work ethic.”

                                                                                                              KEITH A. TICKELL, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                                              AND CFO, BAPTIST HEALTH

              24   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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