Page 22 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 22

               MARKETS & DIVISIONS                                                                                            OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA


              In 2023, the Design Services Market celebrated
              another successful year, surpassing expectations
              with a contribution of $16 million, exceeding
              the budgeted $15 million and marking 7%
              growth compared to 2022. The team carries
              a robust backlog of $59 million into 2024,
              a 10% increase from the previous year.
              Beyond financial accomplishments, the team
              demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the
              strategic significance of standalone design services.
              This involved cultivating new client relationships,
              fortifying existing partnerships and refining
              design expertise to tackle intricate projects. The   PLANNING & DESIGN COLLABORATIVE               CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN
              group engaged with 275 fee-for-service projects,   DIVISION OF DESIGN SERVICES                     DIVISION OF DESIGN SERVICES
              spanning more than 40 clients. Moreover, it
              played a pivotal role in providing leads and design   The Planning & Design Collaborative business unit   Sales for the Civil Infrastructure Design Division
              services for numerous design-build projects in   saw an increased market focus on transportation   were $14.7 million against a target of $12 million
              collaboration with other Haskell markets.        planning opportunities, complete street design,   in 2023. The largest sales were two Border
                                                               community master planning and design-only         Security projects that totaled $6.2 million, a
              Overall, 2023 not only showcased the Design
              Services Market’s financial acumen but also      initiatives. This strategic market focus produced   Military Training Range project at $1.45 million
              underscored its dedication to expanding its      sales of $997,927 against a $500,000 budget,      for the Oregon Military Department and a
              influence, diversifying its clientele and elevating   revenue of $986,000 against a $500,000 goal with a   large Oklahoma Department of Transportation
              its capabilities for future challenges.          contribution of ($249,000) against a ($125,000) goal.   sale of $2.2 million. Backlog remains strong
                                                               This was a shortfall in 2023, as new and improved   with a heavy transportation workload along
                                                               methodologies were being evaluated for greater    with some large, expected sales in early 2024.
                                                               efficiency in project management and overall      In 2023, the team achieved a $4.46 million
                              AND ECOLOGY INTERPRETIVE CENTER  job costing. New hires of subject matter experts,   contribution against a budget of $4.2 million.
                                         WAYCROSS, GEORGIA
                                                               project design managers and a strategic focus on   This performance exceeded budget by 6.2%
                                                               key markets for business development will produce   and represented an improvement of 25.3% over
                                                               improved strategic alignment in 2024. This new    the 2022 contribution. The team anticipates a
                                                               business unit will continue its positive evolution as   relatively flat performance from 2023 to 2024,
                                                               a desired Haskell initiative for design excellence.  but the overall market should remain strong.

                                                               selection of clients                              selection of clients
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