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                                    51www.i-am-magazine.comBy Emma PeetersHOWTO FIND HAPPINESSINSTEADOF GETTING IT FROMFOODHOWTO FIND HAPPINESSINSTEADOF GETTING IT FROMFOODo you find food to be your only sourceof happiness? How%u2019s it working out foryou?Chances are, not very good. However,you%u2019re not alone; millions of peoplearound the world suffer from foodaddiction. Food addiction has nothing todo with being greedy, as some peoplemay wrongfully assume; but rather apsychological condition that binds tofood.So, is there any way out? Yes, absolutely.In fact, you should start implementingthe tips below to find happiness in thereal things in life, and not be heldprisoner by food any longer!1. Get In Your WorkoutsExercise is so much more important thanmaking you look good. In fact, the healthbenefits are far superior, with lookinggood coming as a pleasant bonus.Exercise promotes the production of feelgood brain chemicals, known asendorphins, which boost mood,productivity, and sense of well-being. Infact, exercise is a very important adjuvantin treating depressive illness and may insome cases be the primary managementtechnique.For best results, get in your exercisesessions at least three times per week, upto a maximum of 5 times weekly. You willbe surprised how good you feel after 6short weeks of starting a new plan.
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