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53www.i-am-magazine.com4. Practice MeditationMeditation is no longer some obscurepractice followed by just a few but has spreadto the mainstream population thanks to itsproven benefits on health. Though theaddiction to food is a real psychologicalcondition, meditation can help you break thebonds by increasing your appreciation forother things in life, bringing profoundhappiness. Mindfulness increases, and youbecome truly happy and thankful foreverything in your life.5. Get A PetA pet can deliver tons of happiness in your life, motivatingyou to break free from using food as your motivation. Havingsomeone (yes, your pet) that loves you infinitely is a powerfulmotivator of happiness and works in most cases. Adopt apuppy or kitten, and you will have tons of fun and happinessfor years to come.ConclusionFood needs to resume its true function-being used for fuel and subtle pleasure. It wasnot meant to become a source of happiness, and this may have been inadvertentlypromoted due to the marketing of sugary junk.Go live in the real world and find your true happiness!!CheersEmma