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                                    52www.i-am-magazine.com2. Re-acquaint Yourself with NatureWhen is the last time you spend real time in nature? Living in a concrete jungle,we spend less and less time camping, hiking or just going for walks in thebeautiful forests. Mind you, we%u2019re not advocating you go get lost in unfamiliarterritory, but a light walk in nature is sure to give you a deeper appreciation of thebeauty in the world.Better yet how about picking up gardening? Knowing that you nurturedsomething from a seedling and watched it grow every day can give you joy likeraising a child. Knowing that you made a difference in the world may be all youneed to break the psychological addiction to food.3. Go Out with FriendsWe know, sometimes you end up sacrificing friends for food, the selfish masterthat leads you down a spiral of depression. However, there is always time.Reconnect with friends you haven%u2019t spoken to in weeks, months, or even years.You will be amazed how time flies when you%u2019re out with your friends, and youwon%u2019t be held captive by food. In addition, you are likely to burn a few morecalories than you would if you were just at home, and the memories you form fromyour adventures will give you pleasure for a long time to come. Not the shortbouts of up, followed by severe downs that food is notorious for.
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