Page 56 - Demo
P. 56
56www.i-am-magazine.comBy Violet PrichardHow Being TooBusy Ruins YourConcentrationSkillsSince the mid-20th century, the dangersof being too busy have had a huge impacton human health and productivity. Associety moves at a faster pace, our stressin turn increases and we feel too busy.Being too busy can have very detrimentalimpacts on your ability to work to yourfullest potential and feel productive.When you have too much on your plate,you spend most of your time worryingabout how you will complete all your tasksand will find yourself falling into a cycle ofstress.When you are too busy, the pressure andworry about accomplishing everything willreplace your feeling of presence andfocus. Feeling overwhelmed can alsoaffect your memory retention skills andother cognitive abilities.