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                                    58www.i-am-magazine.comMeditating for as little as 20 minuteseach day sets the tone for a focused andproductive day. Meditation has provento reduce and ease stress, which makesyour responsibilities feel a lot moremanageable.Over time, you will feel like you havemore headspace and less brain fogwhich will allow you to work to yourfullest potential. With a clear mind, youwill be able to complete everything in amore efficient way.There are many different strategies thatcan help ease the stress of feeling toobusy. When you take time to manage thefeeling of being overwhelmed, you will beable to concentrate on the presentmoment and prioritize your tasks. Bystaying organized and meditating, youwill improve your brain power and clearthe mind of the stress and anxiety thatcomes with feeling too busy.There is no better moment to getstarted than now!VioletWhen you are able to break down yourtasks into detailed components of alist, you will feel less overwhelmed andwill be able to concentrate on each taskindividually. Making these lists in themorning allows you to concentrate onwhat needs to get done and create aproductive plan for the time you havein the day.Another way to reduce the feeling ofbeing overwhelmed and stayconcentrated on your tasks is to spendtime each morning meditating. Thismindfulness practice allows you tofeel more present throughout the day,rather than worrying about the futureand how you will accomplish all of yourtasks.
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