Page 59 - Demo
P. 59
59www.i-am-magazine.comBy Melina ZovkoWhat doyou dowith youroncedeposited?Follow these steps right away to startorganizing your personal finances.Before your salary payment arrives inyour bank account, you must have aplan ready to know how you are going toallocate or distribute your money.Make sure you have an overview ofwhat's going in that month and what'sgoing out. Make a list of accountspayable, taking into account unforeseenevents that may arise. To do this, heallocates a part of the money to anemergency fund.Immediately set aside the money youwant to save. It is the first thing youshould do after having calculated yourbudget for the month. Don't make themistake of saving if you have somethingleft over, because you won't have leftover. Make saving a mandatory habit. Seta realistic but ambitious savings amountand transfer this money to a savings-onlyaccount. You can also set up anautomatic transfer, so all of this happensautomatically at the beginning of themonth.Once this is done, you can pay your bills,your fixed and variable expenses, andeventually the minimum payment of yourdebts or credit cards.