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61www.i-am-magazine.com13. Don't go to the store without needingsomething. Shopping is not a hobby. Youdo not need anything? So you don't reallyhave to go shopping, do you?14. Let go of what others say they haveand do. Worrying about it will only costyou unnecessary money.15. Don't play the lottery. That isthrowing money away. And don't comewith the excuse that you're playing for agood cause, nobody does that.11. Reassess your mortgage and theinterest you currently pay. Sometimes youcan get refinancing with lower interest.12. Be careful with water, gas, andelectricity. Close the door. Close thefaucet. If you start doing it, after a whileyou will do it automatically.16. Think ten seconds on each purchase.That's plenty of time to consider if youreally need it. If not, put it back on theshelf. Or empty your digital shoppingcart.17. Keep the receipt for everything youbuy. This way you can return something ifyou don't like it.18. Learn to do things yourself. Likechecking your motor oil and repairing akitchen cabinet. YouTube is a goodteacher. Self-confidence is good, but keepin mind that certain things are best left toa professional. For example, themaintenance of the heating boiler.19. Don't be tempted by subscriptions.Cancel all the unnecessary.20. Finally, remember that things will notmake you happy. The tranquility of havingyour finances controlled and in order willgive you peace and mental health, and ifyou have that, you are happy.Do you want to get out ofdebt? Write to me, and youwill receive my basic buteffective plan!Do you want to get out ofdebt? Write to me, and youwill receive my basic buteffective plan!