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                                    57www.i-am-magazine.comIf you feel like you have too muchresponsibility, you will likely have troublefalling asleep at night or sticking to aproper sleep routine. These detrimentalimpacts on sleep send you into anegative cycle where you are too tired toconcentrate during the day. Although itmay seem tempting to sacrifice yoursleep for getting more done, this strategyhas negative effects on the health andoverall productivity of an individual.According to researchers at HarvardUniversity, the stress of having too muchon your plate is directly linked to feelingdisorganized and forgetful. You get sofocused on the amount of responsibilityand tasks you have that you no longerhave the energy or capacity to completethe task right in front of you.This issue is very common in theworkplace. When you are assigned tooThis lack of concentration leads to lessproductivity and efficiency which hasnegative impacts on the company.There are many ways to manage thefeeling of being overwhelmed withresponsibility. One of the most beneficialtechniques for managing stress is stayingorganized. By making detailed lists of allof your tasks, you will no longer feel theneed to reserve space in your mind forremembering each thing.much responsibility at your job, you willno longer enjoy the work that needs tobe done and will feel too overwhelmed toget anything done.
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