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                                    60www.i-am-magazine.comIs money a complicated issue? No!1. Spend less than you earn. A targetshot. Even so, this is the most importantrule of money. If you apply this, you willnever risk your family's economy.2. Set achievable goals to staymotivated. Whether it's savings goals ora budget you give yourself.3. Make a shopping list to avoid impulsepurchases. Life can be that simple.4. Do not pay with credit cards, muchless pay debts with the card. In this way,you would accumulate debt upon debtand many headaches.5. Don't spend money you don't haveyet. Logically. However, many people arealready spending money that is not yet intheir accounts. In this way, you couldinadvertently spend too much money,much more than what you bring in.With these 20 tips, you can organizeyour family finances in a short time:6. Make sure you always have a financialreserve for the unexpected.7. Do something to make your moneygrow. Invest, or collect interest (forexample, in a foreign savings account).8. Receive as little advertising as possible.If you really can't ignore them, be awareof their goal: to make you spend money.Don't be fooled. So, unsubscribe from allthose newsletters and remove those appsfrom your phone.9. Do something for your retirement.Whether it's through your employer,through an insurance policy, an accountyou put money into, or some other cleverplan.10. Don't drive expensive cars. It seemslogical to me. A car is a necessity and nota luxury item.
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