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www.i-am-magazine.com25the work it takes to get to where youwant to be.Tony Robbins, one of the top businessstrategists well-known throughout theworld, is an amazing mindset coach. Hebelieves, and I agree, that your mindsetof beliefs, attitudes, and values aboutyourself and your environment shapehow you experience the world. Accordingto Tony, to shift your mindset, you muststop looking at life as an %u201call or nothing%u201dsituation. Sometimes all it takes tochange your mindset forever is thesmallest, two-millimeter shift in the wayyou see the world.( your mindset changes, so doesyour behavior. Going from negativethinking to positive thinking creates thatnecessary shift. When I pray, I alwayssay, Lord, remove negativity from mypath. Don't let my negative thoughtsbecome other people's negative thoughts,and don't let other people's negativethoughts become my negative thoughts.If a negative thought should enter mymind, I ask that you kill it before it exitsmy mouth. I say this because it is areminder that I control my actions. And Idon't want my negative mindset to be aninfluence. The goal is to surround myselfwith positive people, and in doing, so Ineed to be a positive person.Adopting the following mindsets willcertainly set you up for success, not onlyin your business but in yourrelationships.1. A Positive Mindset - Every day we getto choose what we wear, what our mealsare going to be, whom we want to talk to,Etc. So we have to choose to be positiveand have a good attitude.2. A Determined Mindset - Beingdetermined can take you around theworld and back, but fear can stop youfrom living your best life. A good friendonce said, %u201cdo it scared%u201d. The only way toovercome fear is to be determinedenough to just do it.