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www.i-am-magazine.com26LaQuita Parks-PublisherHelping you take your story froma \Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing LLCA Failure 2 Communicate LLC3. A Focused Mindset - As a Christian, Ibelieve that we must have a focusedfaith. Proverbs 16:3 says commit yourwork to the Lord, and your plans will beestablished. A focused mind canaccomplish anything.4. A Patient Mindset - We live in ageneration of people who want it rightnow, a microwave society. Patience is avirtue. Being patient with others is key.Don't forget to extend that same Graceof patience to yourself.5. A Trust of Self Mindset - Trust is ahuge component of life. It is highlyimportant in business to be trustworthy.Trusting yourself is just as or equallyimportant. Having the ability to believethat you can put you in a position toaccomplish your goals with confidence.When I set out on the journey of startingmy Publishing Company and putting inplace my mission and value statements, Iwanted to make sure that theyrepresented the person that I AM, as wellas whom I strive to be.Pa-Pro-Vi, meaning Pain, Progress, andVictory is a reminder for me every daynot to be stuck in the same mindset. Painis a part of my daily life, however, mymindset allows me to progress every dayin the midst of the pain... so that I willachieve victory.There is a biblical principle to %u201cmindset.%u201dChanging your mindset means beingwilling to transform the old you into anew you. The Bible teaches in Romans12:2 to \of your mind then you will be able to testand approve what God's will is.\a long time ago that if you always dowhat you%u2019ve always done, you are goingto always get what you have alwaysgotten! So, if you are looking for differentresults%u2026change your mindset!