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                                    41www.i-am-magazine.comWhat are you doing now that should beeliminated from your to-do list?If you are not sure about what to say %u201cno%u201dto or what %u201cnot to do%u201d then consider someof my favorite questions to check:%u2026 Am I simply busy or successfullyproductive in working towards my goals?%u2026 Does this activity drive me or drain me?%u2026 Is my time being spent moving meforward?%u2026 If I stay on this path, where will I be in10 years?%u2026 Would I encourage my loved ones tospend their time the way I am?Self-Care Isn%u2019t Lazy:I used to have a sense of guilt when Isat doing nothing as if I always had tobe busy until I ran myself ragged.Think of it as refilling your tank.Are you making time for yourself, orare you giving away your time andenergy to serve others%u2019 goals?%u201cThe bad news is that time flies.The good news is that you arethe pilot of your time%u201dHeather Jean
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