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44www.i-am-magazine.com1. Folic AcidA deficiency can lead to depression,confusion, anemia, and ultimately, duringpregnancy, fetal defects. Folic acid alsoappears to have benefits in reducing thelikelihood and seriousness of otherhealth conditions, including strokes andfertility.Food sources include: As the nameimplies, foliage foods are high in folate,including, green leafy vegetables, such asturnip greens, and spinach, along withvarious fresh fruits. Folate-fortified foodsinclude various kinds of pasta, bread,and other grains.Folic acid is a supplement that turnsinto folate once in the body. Folates areessential for DNA repair, and cellgrowth; this is particularly important atlife stages such as infancy andpregnancy. It is important for women ofchildbearing age to ensure they takesufficient folic acid supplements;benefits for the unborn child andwomen are abundant.It is important for pregnant women tonot only consume foods high in folic acidbut to take folic acid supplements. Whilethe body has some in reserve, if there is alack of supplements for a reasonableamount of time, a deficiency will occur