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                                    45www.i-am-magazine.com3. Niacin:Niacin is also known as B3 and is importantfor many reactions within the body,including cell synthesis. Niacin has beenshown to be beneficial in thecardiovascular system and associatedhealth conditions.Food sources include: It is relatively easyto get enough niacin, as it is present infoods such as peanuts, lentils, fish, andmeat.Vitamin B12 is important for essential brain andnervous system functioning. Vitamin B12 can beobtained through animal-based products such aseggs, milk, and shellfish. Vitamin B12 is alsoavailable as a supplement at health food shopsand via your doctor.A lack of B12 in the body can have seriousconsequences on both the brain and nervoussystem; at even minor levels of deficiency,symptoms such as memory loss, fatigue, anddepression can occur.Food sources include: Animal foods, like beef,which are the only natural source of vitamin B12,along with shellfish, clams, crab, and mussels.Many products are also fortified with it includingcereals and soy foods.2. Vitamin B12
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