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                                    49www.i-am-magazine.comTThhee HHaarrdd,, HHoonneessttLLooookk ttoo FFiixx YYoouurrsseellffffoorr BBuussiinneessss SSuucccceessssBy Jacqueline \While this article will make many women angry,that is not the intent. This is an article trulymeant to encourage and uplift the mindset. Weoften believe that encouragement andempowerment are limited to the words %u201cwe wantto hear.%u201d Unfortunately, it does not work thatway; instead, we need to hear the %u201creal, raw, andunfiltered truth%u201d before we can listen to the songsof victory and do our happy dance. I%u2019m not thetraditional Coach, Consultant, Author, or Ministerthat gives a glossed-over version of anything. Ican promise you this; the articles I write willprovoke thought and leave the reader with achallenged mindset; let%u2019s begin.After 40+ years in the corporate world, executiveleadership in technology and engineering, andglobal responsibilities across continents, you cantrust and believe that I%u2019ve learned something. Afriend told me her mother told her, %u201cLearn fromothers' mistakes because you will never live longenough to make them all yourself.%u201d Ignorance canno longer remain bliss if we are %u201cour sisters'keepers.%u201d
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