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50www.i-am-magazine.comDefying social expectations...Accessing funding for new businessventures%u2026Struggling to be taken seriously%u2026Owning your accomplishments%u2026Building a support network%u2026Integrating vs. balancing businessand family life%u2026Coping with fear of failure%u2026Women sometimes come to the tablewith brilliance, talent, gifts, and geniuswithin their programs, coaching,consulting, ministry, and communityadvocacy. However, behaviors will tell ifan individual invested in themselvesfirst.Background:Some Women start out of the gate withchallenges men don%u2019t typicallyexperience. These challenges oftenprevent us, International Women of allcultures, from showing up as authentic.Therefore, we begin wearing masks thathide our authenticity, often becoming alittle bit of everything and everyoneexcept whom God created us to be.There is no shortage of challenges forWomen in Corporate, Entrepreneurship,Ministry, and life overall.Challenges:\eing authentic,%u201d yet remainingprofessional, a lost identity.Hair, naturally curly or bone straight;braids, dreads, which of these areacceptable?Clothing, from St. John to Hollisterand Abercrombie, or AfricanAuthentic, Juicy Couture & BetseyJohnson, bold and colorful vs. Coachconservative.Bold statement jewelry vs.conservative pearls.Transcending oneself to be morerelatable to peers.Coming from a different world,others don%u2019t relate.Feeling the need to change yourselfto make sure you are the %u201cright kindof woman (safe, sweet, not toobossy, not too loud, not %u201cghetto,%u201denunciate every word properly).Playing small because it is safe, nevertaking calculated risks like the %u201cgoodold boys.%u201dYou are transforming into a watereddown version of yourself to ensurethat you are palatable.Avoiding political conversations byany means necessary.Worrying about showing emotions,especially frustration, anger, orirritation.Truth at a deeper level for Women ofColor in Leadership: