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53www.i-am-magazine.comStand in Your authenticity withintegrity.Indulge in activities, communities,and environments that allow you tolive unapologetically.Have an arsenal of reading materials,volunteer,network with people you admire,and have honest conversationsabout the world around us.Don%u2019t play small for anyone!Stay at the top of your game, andalways know it!Actions Continued:Gain a deeper understanding of yourbusiness, your impact on other%u2019sbusinesses that you interact or partnerwith, and your role in improving businessresults in your business, corporate team,ministry, community, or non-profit.Seek God for the answers and makesure you are hearing from GodAsk God for wisdom, knowledge, anda better understanding of yourbusinessHave an executable planBe in the right circle; if you are thestrongest and most intelligent in theroom, you are in the wrong room.Don%u2019t seek to suck the life out ofpeople while you prosper and othersremain in lack.Deepen your knowledge of howother potential partner businessesworkRecognize the most critical driversfor you reaching your companyobjectives and how to focus onthose drivers without ensuingpredatory practices on othersUnderstand the impacts on yourbusiness, ministry, and organizationand how to make more informedbusiness decisions that will improvebottom-line efficiency andprofitability.This article is a tiny piece of the step-bystep Business Acumen process. However,this is an excellent place to start andprovoke your thoughts on fixing yourselfand operating your business from a Godcentered place.