Page 57 - Demo
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57www.i-am-magazine.comMotivation under pressure is anexcellent skill to have, but like otherskills, it takes practice to get better. Thisarticle is full of positive suggestions andhelpful hints for getting better athandling stress caused by pressure. Themost important thing you can do is learnto cope because with positive copingmechanisms we see the stress meltaway, and in its place, there are a host ofpositive benefits of working underpressure.How to Perform Under PressureYou might notice a few things whenyou've mastered your stress levels andlearned to perform under pressure. You'llkeep a cooler head in difficult situations,thinking clearly when others around youare flailing wildly at the thought of someterrible outcome. You'll notice that yourleadership skills improve and that peopleturn to you in a crisis. You might also seethat you perform better under pressure,because of the positive copingmechanisms that you've mastered.People who perform under pressure arein huge demand in every industry.Whether you're at the office or behind acounter, performance under stress willlead to promotions and positivefeedback. Every employer on Earthwants to find someone who can keep a