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60www.i-am-magazine.comCheers,EmmaSo is time to Start Visualizing YourWay to Less PressureWhen you are faced with so muchpressure, you must find ways of copingwith the strain.Fortunately, you do not need to spend alot of money on therapy. You can simplylearn how to use visualization to deal withintense pressure. Visualization refers tothe process of creating images in yourmind and seeing them so clearly to thepoint they seem real. It is possible for youto learn visualization techniques andchange your life within a short time.If you have decided to visualize your wayto less pressure, there are a few steps youcan take toward achieving that goal. Thefirst step involves deciding exactly whatyou want to achieve. In this case, let%u2019sassume that your goal is to visualizeyourself experiencing less pressure as yougo about your life. Once you set your goal,take a moment to write the goal down.Writing the goal tends to makevisualization easier.Having written your goal for seeingyourself having less pressure in life, youneed to start seeing yourself enjoying yourjob and everything else you do withoutany stress. In the beginning, it may behard to even generate the emotions thatmake you feel free and relaxed. Withpractice, you will be able to feel that youare above the pressure and that it nolonger gets to you.Every time you want to get in thevisualization mood, you will need to learnto free your mind of the many thoughtsthat keep you feeling like you are underpressure. To relax your mind, you maywant to sit in your favorite spot in thepark or do an activity that relaxes yousuch as listening to soft music.An important part of the visualizationprocess is to repeat some words over andover in your mind until you believe them.You can repeat something like ''I am incontrol of my life, and I will always berelaxed no matter how tough it gets.\the beginning, you will not believe thewords, but you will soon learn that thethings your inner voice keeps repeatingsoon become a reality.Start the process today, and you will seethe difference in a short time!!