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                                    59www.i-am-magazine.com4. Start Believing in YourselfPositive thinking can be one of the mostpowerful tools at your disposal. Thesimple act of believing in yourself andknowing that you're doing your best is agreat way to turn pressure intomotivation. The next time you're facedwith overwhelming pressure, tell yourselfthat you can do it. Whatever tasks laybefore you, think positively about themand envision yourself completing them.5. Enjoy What You DoIt never hurts to enjoy what you do,although this can be a difficult way ofdealing with pressure. Look for the littlethings in the task that you like doing andcomplete them. You'll find that once youstart working, you're motivated to keepgoing. People who enjoy their jobs reportfeeling less pressure and higher levels ofmotivation than those who don't like whatthey do for a living.6. Stand Up and Take a BreakIf nothing else is working, then stand upand take a break. Taking 5 minutes foryourself every hour is a great way to resetand refocus on the task at hand. Studieshave shown that people who socialize atwork, or even just stand up and stretchtheir legs, get more done than those whosit at their desks worrying over the task athand.
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