Page 62 - Demo
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62www.i-am-magazine.comCONTROLLING YOURWORDS AND FEARNO JUDGMENT.By Tim S. MarshallLet%u2019s start with something simple.What comes out of your mouth? Is itjudgmental? Is it toxic? Is it kind?Would someone else describe your wordsas verbally negative or more positive?What comes out of your mouth is a directreflection of what%u2019s going on in yourbrain. If you want to control something,our words are the only thing in our lifethat we have complete control over; so,let%u2019s start there.How do we control our words better?By being aware of our patterns and whywe say the things we say. Our words area result of our thoughts.What are our thoughts as a result of?They are the result of our currentinactions, actions, and our experiences.This combination leads us to harbor aprojected outcome - even before weprocess the moment. That%u2019s paralysis -our minds are closed to the differentpossibilities of what could happen ratherthan to what has happened, and thatdefines the moment. It is simplyimpossible to be open-minded when wehave already projected the outcome.Then there is the fear factor. Most ofus are afraid of being ourselves for fearof judgment and criticism, perceived orreal, from others. We envy those whoappear not to have this trait, but we don%u2019task ourselves why they can be carefreeand I can%u2019t.