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66www.i-am-magazine.comwhen you only listen to a fraction of aconversation and then go into %u201cthinkmode%u201d to figure out the fastest way torespond without even processing theentire message. Number one, it is rude,and number two, it leads to poorcomprehension. A battle to beunderstood ensues.8. Practice being polite if theperson is negative or rude. It%u2019s notabout you. It is their projection. Donot join it. Detach yourself and don%u2019tengage. You will only do yourself adisservice.9. Practice communicating withoutjudgment. Prejudgments are justyour own projections. Be openminded. Do not force your judgmentson another. Don%u2019t try to convincesomeone about their own feelings.Listen. The above list applies to CEOsor panhandlers. It is important topractice communication manners atall times. The better you conductyourself, the less fear you will have ofsecond-guessing your behavior.5. Practice not gossiping. This can onlylead to bad feelings all the way around.Treat people the way you would like tobe treated.6. Practice not being negative. Bring uppositive news and thoughts. Don%u2019treinforce the bad or intimate thenegative because you could create ablack cloud around you that will pushpeople away.7. Practice being brief. Be specific andcondense your points. Your message willbe clear, and the recipient will be betterengaged. If you create a trail that goes indifferent directions and circles around,then the person might get lost in thewoods.