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                                    70www.i-am-magazine.comLove,VioletFocus requires the action of payingattention to something while filtering outthe other stimuli. There are manydifferent strategies that help to improvefocus and allow the brain to stay alert.One of the most significant reasons thatpeople feel they cannot stay focused isdue to multitasking. Although this is acommonly perceived way to be extraproductive, you may find it does theopposite. In order to improve focus, it isbest to limit yourself to one activity at atime that is free of distraction in order tocomplete it with the most efficiency.Focus, attention, and perception allbounce off from each other to make anindividual function to their highestpotential. These are all skills that can berepeatedly developed and improvedthrough practice and dedication.So, it is time for you to start focusing onwhat you really want to do, achieve,create, and pay attention to yoursurroundings acknowledging theperception and attention you need to putin each one of them separately for themto become one of the best projects youwill do altogether.
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