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                                    73www.i-am-magazine.comthough we are already finishing upFebruary.I give you 4 tips to follo1. Prepare your family budget.This will always be my first tip. Without afamily budget, it will be impossible toachieve financial goals. The family budgetshould be your main tool.When you already have a clear financialgoal, turn to math, add your income, andsubtract your fixed and variable costs.Allocate a portion of the positive balanceto your financial goal.Be proactive, and make a list of possibleextraordinary expenses that you will haveduring the year. Remember that yourmonthly fixed costs are usually easy tolist, but you must not forget to take intoaccount variable expenses or amountsthat are paid quarterly or once a year.Take into account the money you want toallocate for vacations, birthdays, orspecial events such as Christmas andother festivities.Take into account hobbies,extracurricular activities, etc.If you have debts, you have to prioritizethe payment of these because when youget out of debt you will be able to releasepositive money that you can allocate toyour financial objectives and goals.If you have credit cards, limit their use,only use them for vacations, and try topay them right away, avoidingaccumulating debt. Credit cards give afalse illusion of having money, but thetruth is that you buy on credit and mustpay high-interest rates. Buying somethingon credit is stealing money from yourfuture to pay for the past and many timesyou end up paying twice as much.2. Make small expenses big (AntExpenses - read the last issue)Once again I encourage you to turn tomathematics. If you have small,irrelevant, and sporadic expenses onyour list of expenses, add them up! Askyourself if you can do without them.Drinking a coffee or eating a sandwich
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