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72www.i-am-magazine.comPor Melina ZovkoFINANCIAL GOALS?YOU STILL HAVE TIMETO ACHIEVE THEMDid the year start, and you realized thatthe year that ended was financially verytough?Do you feel like February is over, and youcouldn't feel free of stress because ofmoney?Now, entering March, you will be able tostart changing your economic futurebecause it is never too late to start doingthings better financially.The first step is to stop wasting money.Maybe you considered being smarter withyour money in 2023 and for some reason,you still haven't made it.Firstly, you must have full knowledge ofhow your finances are at the momentand what is your relationship withmoney. Many people make ends meetwithout knowing where their money hasgone.Changing the relationship with money isdifficult for many people, but certainlynot impossible. It all has to do with aclear objective, asking yourself how muchmoney you have available each monthand setting yourself a realistic financialgoal. That would be a good start.But where to start when drawing up afinancial plan to achieve a financiallypeaceful life? You can still take charge ofyour finances and improve them, even