Page 68 - Demo
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68www.i-am-magazine.comBy Violet PrichardAttention, Perception, and FocusThe 3 Key Functions of TheMindI know that nowadays it is difficult forsome of us to have at least one of them,that is why in order to stay productiveand work to your highest potential, thereare key functions of the brain that mustbe working properly. Attention,perception, and focus are crucialelements of efficiency and productivitythat everyone can work to improve.Whether it be completing simple tasksaround the house or presentinginformation to a large group of people,these brain functions are used nearly allthe time.AttentionAttention is the way that we process oursurrounding environment and the waythat we concentrate on differentsensations or stimuli. By withdrawing theattention that you give to somesensations, you are effectively able todeal with the most important ones.There are a few ways to understand theattention that will allow you to improveyour brain%u2019s functionality and be moreefficient in the ways that you interpretinformation. First, it is essential to notethat attention is limited. This means thatthere is only so much multitasking that anindividual can do before their brainfunction becomes somewhat ineffective.It is also important to understand thatattention is selective. When you payattention to a certain task or piece of