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                                    63www.i-am-magazine.comSo, change your oral behavior - it istotally within your control, and you canpractice it simply and easily. Beingmindful of your words is the mostimportant awareness you can have.Practice speaking your mind with positiveintentions. Everything that we do in life ispractice. Look at new people andsituations as a fresh positive turningpoint in your life.How do you do this?Practice for three five-minute periodsduring the day. After three days, try yourroutine in real life. You are not judging theperson you are talking to, and you areholding back your projected outcomes.You are trying to like the person byprojecting positive words toward thatperson. If you have a friend you like,pretend you are talking to that person.You will be surprised at the results.Communications become friendlier, andstrangely, in most cases, you will findyourself liking that person. In turn, thiswill push you into situations that youwould normally shy away from. If you feelawkward or uncomfortable, that is a signthat you need to practice being in thatsituation more if it is positive. Perhapsstart your new method of communicatingwith someone you feel you will like. Trythat a few times and see what happens.The most remarkable success you canachieve is controlling the words that comeout of your mouth and, in today%u2019s world,the texts you send.A negative text stings more than words,because it continually sits there in blackand white, rather than receding into foggymemory. Once you have begun to controlyour words, move on to texts, which areeasier to change.Read out loud and practice your clearpronunciation. Stand in front of a mirrorand practice. Yes, that is right. Talk tothe mirror like it is a person. Ask upbeatquestions. Create fearlessness. Even ifyou have to pretend at first, soon youwill find that just practicing talking in anupbeat positive fashion will change theway you communicate in real life.
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