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65www.i-am-magazine.comLUCID ANALYSISSix People Can Interpret One Topic SixDifferent Ways.An open mind will allow you tounderstand this. You project yourunderstanding onto someone. But that isnot their reality. Their reality is based ontheir experiences %u2014 not yours. The result:Your words can be completelymisinterpreted. Sometimes the best wayto get your point across is to use ananalogy that the person you are speakingto would understand. In other words,enter their reality, rather than force yourreality on them. Emotions are tied to aday%u2019s events. Sometimes communicationis best matched with parallel emotions,so pick and choose your time formaximum emotional compatibility.A SIMPLE WORDS TO-DO LISTPractice is the key to being a greatcommunicator.1. Practice speaking less aboutyourself. When you listen more you learnmore and you see more. Everyone youmeet is a resource to learn from, but ifyou do all the talking, then you are livingonly between your two ears.Conversations should be split equally ifpossible.2. Practice being your humble self. Thesurest way to be understood by others isto be the real you. If you act differently,then you will get a response directed at amask you created, and this will denigratethe lines of communication and notfoster a real relationship.3. Practice reducing vulgarity andslang. The cleaner your language, the lessyou will offend. Studies have shown thatthe fewer swear words and the morespecific vocabulary, the more you arerespected. Even if someone uses vulgarityand profanity, you should not follow suit.4. Practice not interrupting. Practicenot being a sentence jumper. Do you likebeing interrupted in the middle of asentence? The same holds true for theother person. These interruptions occur