Page 64 - Demo
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64www.i-am-magazine.comWith a vigilant effort, especially whenyou are reactive and upset, control yourtexts. Do not react negatively. Keep yourpersonal words in your own private circle.Have a small group of confidants you cantrust. When you release too muchinformation to those who are not in yourdefined circle, then you are open tomisinterpretation, judgment, andsabotage. Be you, but be smart andgenuine. Make your life easier bypracticing the discipline of holding yourwords for those who can care for them.At that point, you will have achieved oneremarkable success already, and a majorbreakthrough that you may or may notrealize: now your actions, in this case,your words, are diminishing the power ofyour past experiences, diminishing yourold projected outcome.Remember what controlled your thoughts- your past experiences and currentactions. Now, at least with your words,your current actions soon will becomeyour past experiences. Your new actions,now wedded to your recent past positiveexperiences, begin to dictate positivethoughts. Now you will have started thechain reaction toward the developmentof a truly open mind.