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                                    74www.i-am-magazine.comevery day may not weigh much in yourpocket and may seem like a smallexpense, but if you do it daily, orregularly it adds up. You will realize thatit is a drain on money that maybe youcould allocate to the payment of debts orsavings.3. Check your subscriptionsDo you pay a monthly fee to the gym,and you don't go? In that case, youshould not consider yourself an athletebut a sponsor. Be honest with yourselfand ask yourself, what are the chancesthat you'll be back in the gym again inthe next few months? Consider otheroptions like running, walking, biking, orswimming. These options are cheap andare more tailored to your time and desirewithout having to pay a monthly fee.The same applies to streaming services.People often subscribe to multipleservices, while not even seeingeverything. They have Netflix, Disney+,Apple TV, etcetera. Pay attention, and besure, to cancel unnecessarysubscriptions.4. If you are suddenly not allowed todo something, resistance will ariseStarting to save is often translated as'then I'm not allowed to do certain thingsanymore'. And it shouldn't always be likethis because resistance will arise, andyou will fail in your savings plansbecause your motivation will plummet. Ifyour wallet allows it, continue doingthings for pleasure or buying what youlike, as long as you fulfill your financialobligations first.In summary%u2026Setting a budget is the best way to stopwasting money. People often find it verycomplicated, but it is essential toimprove our relationship with money.You must be in control, know where themoney is going and redirect it to releasepositive money and free yourself fromstress due to lack of money.I wish you a financial life with a lot ofglow.Melina Zovko
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