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51How does one deal with the elevenchallenges above, not to mention the100 more they will face? The challengesare real; it takes careful navigation andmuch wisdom to continue the chartedcourse vs. getting lost at sea.www.i-am-magazine.comMore of The REAL, RAW, TRUTH:Capitalism is fine when appropriatelyexecuted and with the appropriatebusiness acumen. However, as women,we are discouraged and sometimesafraid of it.However, the view and mindset providedto women often prevent the boldthinking and strategies men adopt.As a Consultant, International CertifiedMaster Life Strategy Coach, and MinistryCouncilor, I%u2019ve witnessed the consistentshrinking of authentic leadership amongwomen.Some Women find it %u201ctoo hard%u201d toovercome the challenges listed above;therefore, they sub-come to theprocesses, blueprints, and world%u2019ssystems that God, our CREATOR, told usto STAY AWAY from. Now, we find manywealthy Women (in the larger scheme ofthings); however, the majority suffer tosurvive.Solutions:Apply excellent business acumen, knowwhat it is, and why we need it:Business Acumen combines knowledgeand skill informed by experience:knowledge about critical business issues,applying that knowledge, and theconfidence to act based on informationfrom past experiences. At its very basics,business acumen is simple to processwithout all the %u201cgood old boys%u201d predatorybehavior.As an example, the words %u201cBLACKcapitalism%u201d is a political movementamong African Americans seeking tobuild wealth through the ownership anddevelopment of businesses, and it is thatsimple.